Volunteer your way to a career change
Volunteering can be a hugely helpful activity when considering career change and there are many advantages beyond the feel-good factor of contributing to a not-for- profit organisation.

In a recent survey by LinkedIn over 40% of hiring managers consider volunteer work equally as valuable as paid work experience when evaluating candidates and over 20% said they had employed a candidate because of their volunteer work experience.
Skills and Experience
If you are lacking a skill set or looking to make a career “leap” to a totally new role then gaining valuable experience in a volunteer position could be the key to a new job and you also get to “try before you buy” to ensure it is actually a role or industry you would like to move to.
Dennis had been a dairy farmer and he decided to retrain as an accountant; while studying he volunteered in the finance team of a charity, the CFO thought he was great and eventually they were able to pay him when he provided holiday cover.
Gradually he built his skills and 6 months down the track he got a fulltime role in the finance team of a global company; supported by a glowing reference from the charity CFO.
Test run
It may also help provide some clarity if you aren’t 100% sure of career direction; by trying a few roles and types of organisations you can “test the water” without making any risky changes to your current employment.
Marina had been in the prison service for almost 15 years; she was inspired to move careers after volunteering in the London Olympics. This opened the door to a whole new world of volunteer & sports event management; something she could never have predicted when she signed-up to help. She has completely changed her role and moved into the volunteer management sector.
If you have decided on where you are heading but need some contacts then volunteering can also be a great source of networking; often not-for-profits are working with government agencies/ local councils and corporate organisations; your role with a volunteer group could enable you meet valuable contacts in the sector you want to move into.
Get closer to your interests & hobbies
Volunteering can allow you to get closer to your interests/ hobbies, and you never know when that might translate into a permanent job. Janet was a lawyer but her passion was her dogs so at weekends she volunteered with a dog charity. When she decided to make a career move her volunteer work opened the door to a permanent role rehoming dogs.
Unemployed? Boost your chances of employment
Volunteering can be a great addition to your CV if you are currently unemployed and boost your chances of being hired; not only does it fill a gap on your CV but the social aspect of the activity could be a great confidence booster and help you keep sane while you are job hunting. In the recent Linked-in survey on volunteering 27% of job seekers are more likely to be hired, when unemployed, if they volunteer.
There are thousands of volunteer roles available and literally hundreds of organisations out there needing your help.
What volunteering opportunity could you try in the next few months and where might it lead you?